Monday 17 September 2007


A tax form arrived over the weekend, which I asked Mum to post up to me. She told me that she would have to ask the Warden for an envelope. I questioned this, since I'd left a pack of 50 envelopes in her desk drawer, but she was adamant that this form wouldn't fit in them and she insisted that the form wouldn't fold. I could tell from her reaction that she had not tried these envelopes, indeed she had forgotten that she had them. I'm curious to see this form, which is evidently printed on a large piece of steel.

This morning, Mum called me to ask for my address. Now we had this problem about 2 years ago where Mum misaddressed a couple of items of mail, only one of which arrived. Back then it would take us about 6 extremely tearful and draining attempts to dictate my address successfully, so I sent her a large laminated card with my address on it, which she has used since. It looks now that she has forgotten all about this. We struggled through my address again, falling on all the familiar fences ('Avenue' versus 'Road', 'S' versus 'F' in the postal code). She read her effort out to me in a variety of versions, only to complain that it was all written on the top corner of the one envelope that she'd taken from the Warden and it was spoiled now...

1 comment:

BigAssBelle said...

well you did it. you made me cry. laughed too, though, at that "large piece of steel."